Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 6, 2016

10 cases destroying iPhones damage can not be repaired

Use a gun, burned with gasoline, put in the microwave even saw double the iPhone just peel test boxes were "smashed" which then can not recognize this as the Apple handset.

  • IPhone 5S and durability testing Galaxy Note 3 / Trend 'torture' iPhone 5S and 5C /iPhone 5S bent
iPhone is a high-end phones are attracting the attention of the user. While the majority of owners of phones with this price is not cheap, preserve, protect, then we also have people who take the iPhone to test reliability or destroyed because of the discomfort it brings.
In 10 cases, "smashing" iPhone below, there are two cases are accidents when charging the iPhone exploded overnight due to falling or running machine. 8 other cases are caused by user intervention. Note to viewers is absolutely no follow because this action can be dangerous.
The owner of the iPhone has dropped down the treadmill running machine in the gym. The picture shows the machine has been bent under the ice slide and completely damaged.
The man in the video was used rifle shot through the phone had just peeled the box. For some reason that the logo has been deleted but the subtitles and not hard to recognize this as the Apple iPhone 4S. Watch the video .
The man in the US has a special way of destroying their iPhones. He was used to the robot welding power but this is somewhat dangerous. The reason given is the iPhone 3G (3GS) of AT & TVI or dropped calls, so he decided to switch to another user's iPhone Verizon. Watch the video .
The owner of the iPhone has expressed sadness for Mashable when his machine exploded after being plugged in overnight.
An iPhone 5C newly peeled yellow box was amputated half way incomprehensible destruction of the group in the video. More grotesque, plant sale on Ebay for $ 1,000 and the seller has called it a "work of art". Watch the video .
Video of a white iPhone 5 was ignited by gasoline soaked attracted nearly 3 million views on Youtube. Share of this action, as the man said investigators want to test the integrity of the iPhone with gasoline. Watch the video .
Two graphic designers Michael and Paul Fairchild Tompert sought to destroy the iPhone and turn them into works of art. This is not only his work, there are many other Apple products have been used.
Before demolition iPhone 3GS using the 9mm pistol bullet, character wrote last greeting for Apple because the iPhone has made him so annoyed by the lengthy complicated procedure. Not stopping there, the iPhone continues to be soaked in fuel. Watch the video .
After testing the iPhone 5 drop and the screen shattered but still usable, the man in the video has continued to "torture" the device by placing it into the microwave.However, in time the next test, the machine was damaged and inoperable. Watch the video .
One other way is to put the iPhone destroyed in liquid nitrogen. Not only that, after testing the machine has been banging out the parts thrown on the floor. Watch the video .

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